With commitment, you can have depth in anything, including your relationship. Saying a prayer for boyfriend to commit is an effective way of asking God for guidance in relationships. If you want to secure a formidable one, you must consider the power of prayer!

You can obtain the peace of mind you are looking for if you will surrender to the Lord the fate of your relationship. In this article, you will come across a list of prayers that will enable you and your partner to make commitment-level decisions, of course, with the help of God.

Prayers for your Boyfriend to Commit
Prayers for your Boyfriend to Commit

25 Prayers For Your Boyfriend to Commit To You!

Here are 25 prayers that you can use to try to get your boyfriend to commit to you. At least one of these should work. Good luck!

Prayer #1

Almighty God, we come before You today grateful for this relationship we have established. You have become our rock and foundation. We thank You for giving us the chance to be together.

Admittedly, we need Your divine direction. We are seeking Your guidance in our relationship for we are facing problems that are now having a toll on our emotional and mental well-being. We pray that Your presence be felt in our union so that we will be reminded of Your unconditional love.

My prayer is for my boyfriend to understand the potential of our relationship. Please give him the desire to fully commit to us with an open mind and heart. May he also remember the special moments we’ve shared and the unique bond we have. Amen.

Prayer #2

Lord, I come before You expressing my faith in Your power in making our relationship stronger than ever. Help us to make the commitment our relationship needs to move forward. Grant us the courage we need to make sacrifices so that our efforts in this union would not come to waste. Give us the wisdom and discernment to make the best decisions for our benefit.

Prayer #3

Dear God, I am reaching out to ask for your help in my relationship. Although I understand that both my boyfriend and I need to work together for our relationship to succeed, I am struggling with feeling stuck and powerless. I pray that you will give my boyfriend the determination and bravery he needs to overcome his worries. Please help him realize how much potential our relationship holds and give him the motivation to fully commit. Amen.

Prayer #4

Dear God, please fill my boyfriend with Your love and grace, so that he may be willing to commit to our relationship. I pray that You will soften his heart and open his mind so that he can see the beauty in our union. Give us the clarity and strength to make decisions that will benefit our relationship in the long term. Amen.

Prayer #5

Great God, I come before You today worried and anxious about the status of my relationship. I pray that You give my boyfriend the will to be courageous and understanding. Let him know what commitment means and its significance to making this relationship work. Let him remember all the memories we shared and help him recognize how important these are. Amen.

Prayer #6

Heavenly Father, I pray for guidance and support as my boyfriend and I navigate our relationship. May he find the inner peace and confidence to fully commit to me with love and trust. Please grant us the wisdom to make decisions that will strengthen our bond and benefit us both. Amen.

Prayer #7

Lord God, I ask for Your divine grace to help my boyfriend commit to me what he has been afraid of. Help him to recognize the potential of our relationship, and fill his mind with positive thoughts about committing. Please help us both to have faith in each other so that we can build a strong foundation for our future together. Amen.

Prayer #8

Almighty Father, I come before You today asking for Your help in my relationship. I pray that You will give my boyfriend the courage and strength to commit to me whom he has been afraid of for so long. Please fill him with Your love, grace, and peace of mind so that he can make wise decisions about our future together. Amen.

Prayer #9

Dear Lord, I come before You today asking for Your divine guidance and intervention in my relationship. Help my boyfriend see all the beauty and potential of our union so that he can make decisions that will benefit both of us. Please give him the strength and courage to commit fully to me without hesitation or fear. Amen.

Prayer #10

Almighty God, I come before You today humbly asking for Your help in my relationship. Please give my boyfriend the peace and clarity of mind he needs to make a commitment to me. Help us both to recognize that our love is strong enough to stand the test of time and fill him with confidence so that he can make wise decisions about our future. Amen.

Prayer #11

Heavenly Father, I come before You today asking for Your divine favor in my relationship. Please give my boyfriend the strength and courage to make a commitment to me with no hesitation or fear. Help him to recognize the potential of our union and understand that it takes two to make a relationship work. Amen.

Prayer #12

Dear Lord, I ask for Your guidance and intervention in my relationship today. Please fill my boyfriend’s mind with positive thoughts and give him the courage to face his fears so that he can make the commitment to me he has been afraid of. Help us both to have faith in each other and make wise decisions that will benefit our relationship. Amen.

Prayer #13

Dear God, I humbly ask for your assistance with my relationship. Please give my boyfriend the courage to confront his fears and a deeper comprehension of what it means to be committed. Grant us both clear minds and open his heart so that he can commit with certainty. Amen.

Prayer #14

Dear God, I ask for Your help in my relationship. Please give my boyfriend the clarity and courage he needs to commit to our future without hesitation. May he overcome his doubts and insecurities and make wise decisions. In the same vein, please grant me the strength and patience I need to wait for the commitment I truly deserve. Thank you. Amen.

Prayer #15

Dear Lord, I ask for Your help in my relationship today. Please fill my boyfriend’s heart with love and understanding of what commitment means and how it can strengthen our bond. Let him recognize the importance of making a decision that will benefit both of us so that we can move forward together in our journey. Amen.

Prayer #16

Dear God, Today, I am praying for guidance in my relationship. I am asking that You help my boyfriend to overcome his fear of commitment and grant him the courage and strength he needs to move forward with me. I pray that You fill him with Your love and bring both of us the clarity we need to make wise decisions about our future together. Amen.

Prayer #17

Almighty God, I come before You in prayer today as I fear this atmosphere of uncertainty in our relationship. Please ease my worries and calm my mind. Remind me that all things happen according to Your divine plan.

Lord, I ask that You guide us in making decisions about our future. I may be unsure about what the future will bring us but what I am certain about is my strong commitment to my partner, who I think is a bit unsettled.

I humbly request that You grant my boyfriend the courage he needs to commit to our relationship. Release him from all his traumas and fears. Let him envision a brighter future with me. Amen.

Prayer #18

Dear God, I need your assistance in my relationship. I fear that my boyfriend is uncertain about our relationship and cannot make a commitment to me. I am now worried that I will be left all alone and that all these efforts I made for our relationship to grow will just be wasted.

I come before You today to ask that You give my boyfriend the courage and strength he needs to commit to me. Please help him ease his worries and put his trust in me. Grant him the confidence to decide for our future. In Your name, I pray, Amen.

Prayer #19

Heavenly Father, I come before You today asking for Your divine favor in my relationship. Please give my boyfriend the peace and clarity of mind he needs to make a commitment to me without fear or hesitation. Help us both to recognize that our love is strong enough to stand the test of time and fill him with the courage to make wise decisions about our future. Amen.

Prayer #20

Dear Lord, I ask for Your help in my relationship today. Please give my boyfriend the confidence he needs to make a commitment to me without hesitation or fear and fill his heart with unconditional love. Help us both to recognize the beauty of our union and give him clarity of thought to make decisions that will benefit our relationship. Amen.

Prayer #21

Dear God, I pray for your assistance in my relationship. I ask that you give my boyfriend the courage to fully commit to me, and help him understand the significance of a committed, loving relationship. Please grant him peace and guide him in making wise decisions about our future. Amen.

Prayer #22

Great God, I come before You today asking for Your help in my relationship. Please give my boyfriend the strength and courage to face his fears and make a commitment to me without hesitation or fear. Let him see the potential of our union and fill him with confidence so that he can make wise decisions about our future together. Amen.

Prayer #23

Dear Lord, I ask for Your divine intervention in my relationship today. Please give my boyfriend the clarity of thought he needs to commit to me without fear or hesitation. Help us both to recognize the beauty and potential of our union and fill him with the courage to make wise decisions about our future. Amen.

Prayer #24

Dear God, I pray for clarity and guidance in my relationship. Please help my boyfriend feel at ease about committing to me and allow him to fully understand the significance of this commitment. I ask for confidence and wisdom for him to make the right decisions about our future together. Thank you, Amen.

Prayer #25

Heavenly Father, I come before You today asking for Your divine help in my relationship. Please give my boyfriend the courage and strength to take a leap of faith and make a commitment to me without hesitation or fear. Help us both to recognize the beauty of our union and fill him with peace and clarity of thought so that he can make wise decisions about our future. Amen.


Through these prayers, you may help your boyfriend find the courage he needs to be committed to you. This way, both of you can move forward with peace and assurance. One prayer can bring stability and security to your future together.

Apart from saying a prayer for your boyfriend to commit to your relationship, you also have to reach out to him and know the cause of his unsureness. Apart from prayer, the bond of all companionship is a conversation.