Not everyone is aware that dental anxiety is a common problem for some. It can be overwhelming for these people. By saying a prayer for dental anxiety, they can gather the strength and courage they need.

Undeniably, prayer can be an incredibly powerful tool to help those who suffer from dental anxiety. This will calm their minds and ease their worries. It can also help them face their fear of dental procedures.

Here are some prayers for dental anxiety that could offer you solace during difficult visits to the dentist. With these prayers in your heart, you will find the courage and faith needed to overcome your fears and take care of your oral health needs.

Prayers for Dental Anxiety
Prayers for Dental Anxiety

Powerful Prayers For Dental Anxiety (Before Facing the Dentist)

Facing the dentist is a scary experience for everyone. It is normal to be anxious and stressed. Prayer for dental anxiety can be a powerful source of comfort during such times. Apart from praying to overcome dental anxiety, you may also wish to pray for a specific type of dental intervention that you may be facing. This could include praying for a tooth extraction or praying for dental surgery. Or it could be a simple prayer for dental work.

Regardless, the power of prayer should not be underestimated and so here is our curated list of prayers for dental anxiety:

#1. Prayer To Find Courage When Visiting the Dentist

Dear God,

I come before You in this moment of need, asking for Your help and guidance in facing the fear I am feeling. I am scared of going to the dentist and do not know how to deal with this anxiety. Please give me the strength and courage to go through with my appointment and be able to handle what needs to be done.

Help me to stay positive and have faith in the process, knowing that it will help me have a healthier mouth and better quality of life. Let me remember that this appointment is an investment in my health and well-being. Help me to remain calm and trust those who are helping me take care of my oral hygiene.

In Your name, I pray, Amen.

#2. Prayer For Comfort and Reassurance When Facing Fear of the Dentist

Dear Lord,

I come to You in distress, feeling overwhelmed by my fear of going to the dentist. Please give me a sense of peace and reassurance as I work to overcome this anxiety. Let me be comforted in the knowledge that You are always with me and will never leave my side, even in the most challenging moments.

Help me to understand that dental care is an important part of my overall health and well-being so that I can face it with confidence. Guide me in my journey toward managing my dental anxiety in a healthy and constructive way. Let me remember that I have the power to take control of this fear and make positive choices for my oral health.

In Your loving name, Amen.

#3. Prayer To Find Strength In Difficult Situations (including at the dentist)


I am feeling overwhelmed and helpless in this moment as I prepare for my upcoming dental appointment. Please give me the strength to take a deep breath and face this fear head-on. Bless me with courage that will help me make it through the procedure with confidence.

Help me to remember that You are with me every step of the way, so I can trust in Your protection. Let me find serenity and peace in the knowledge that I can handle this difficult situation with grace and strength.

In Christ’s name, Amen.

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    #4. Prayer To Receive Guidance in Overcoming Dental Anxiety

    Heavenly Father,

    I come to You feeling fearful and anxious about my upcoming dental appointment. Please give me the guidance I need to make it through this difficult situation. Help me to find inner strength and courage that will allow me to face this fear with a positive attitude.

    Let me remember that I can trust in You and lean on You for support throughout this process. Send me comforting thoughts and feelings of warmth and reassurance as I prepare for my appointment. Help me to find peace within myself, so I can move forward with confidence and trust.

    In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Additional Prayers To Overcome Dental Anxiety

    Prayer #5

    Dear Almighty Father,

    I come before You today in need of Your help and guidance to overcome my dental anxiety. I am feeling overwhelmed by the fear and uncertainty that comes with having to visit a dentist. I’m scared of the pain and discomfort I might experience, as well as all the unknowns that come with each procedure. Please give me the strength and courage to face this fear and make informed decisions about my oral health.

    Help me to trust in You and know that You are with me every step of the way. Comfort me in Your love and grace, so I can find peace within myself. Give me wisdom and understanding as I strive to take care of my teeth and gums in a healthy way.

    In Your name, Amen.

    Prayer #6

    Gracious God,

    I come to You feeling anxious and afraid of the dentist. Please help me to find comfort and strength as I go through this journey. Let me remember that You are with me in every situation, so I can have faith and trust that things will go well.

    Help me to find peace of mind, so I can look forward to my appointment with confidence. Guide me in my efforts to make healthy decisions for my oral hygiene and overall health. Let me remember the importance of proper dental care and put any worries aside.

    In Your loving name, I pray, Amen.

    Prayer #7

    Dear Jesus,

    I come to You feeling anxious and uncertain about my upcoming dental appointment. Please give me the courage I need to face this fear in a healthy way. Help me to remember that You are always with me so that I can trust in Your protection.

    Comfort me in Your love, so I can face my dental anxiety with grace and confidence. Bless me with the courage and strength to make conscious decisions that promote good oral hygiene. Let me find serenity as I move forward with this process and embrace it as an important part of my overall health.

    In Your name, Amen.

    Prayer #8

    Most Loving God,

    I come to You feeling overwhelmed by the thought of visiting a dentist. Please give me the strength to face this fear and make healthy decisions about my oral health. Help me to find comfort in Your grace, so I can move forward with confidence and trust.

    Let me remember that You are with me every step of the way, so I can look forward to my appointment with courage. Guide me in my efforts to take care of my teeth and gums in a healthy manner. Fill me with hope and peace as I strive to overcome this fear.

    I pray in Your holy name, Amen.

    Prayer #9

    Loving Father,

    I come before You today feeling and anxious about my upcoming dental appointment. Please give me the courage and strength I need to make it through this difficult situation. Help me find peace within myself, so I can move forward with and trust.

    Let me remember that I can rely on You for guidance and wisdom throughout this process. Remind me of all the good things You have done in my life, so I can take comfort in Your love and grace. Send me comforting thoughts and feelings of reassurance, as I strive to make informed decisions about my oral health.

    In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

    Prayer #10

    Almighty God,

    I come to You feeling fearful of the dentist and all that comes with it. Please give me the courage to move forward through this difficult time. Help me to put any worries aside and trust in Your protection.

    Fill me with understanding and wisdom as I strive to make healthy decisions for my oral hygiene. Comfort me in Your love, so I can find peace of mind and look forward to my appointment with confidence. Let me remember that You are with me always, guiding me every step of the way.

    In Your name, I pray, Amen.

    Lessons from The Bible about Praying to Overcome Anxiety

    The Bible has much to say about using prayer to help overcome and manage anxiety. The Bible teaches that when we pray, God can provide us peace, hope and strength even in the most difficult of situations. In Philippians 4:6-7, we are encouraged to pray with thanksgiving and supplication so that God’s peace can guard our hearts and minds.

    The Bible also teaches us to be steadfast in prayer, so that we can remain focused on God’s will for our lives. In Luke 18:1-8, Jesus instructs his disciples to never give up praying and asking for help from God. This parable reminds us that when we pray for guidance and strength, God will answer us in His own way.

    Finally, the Bible reminds us to rely on prayer as a source of hope in times of anxiety and fear. In Isaiah 41:10-13, we are encouraged to not be afraid because God is with us always, even when things seem scary or uncertain.

    Closing Thoughts: Prayer For Dental Anxiety

    We hope that through prayer, you will be able to find the courage and strength needed to overcome your dental anxiety. Praying for help and specifically saying a prayer for dental anxiety, can provide comfort in times of distressful visits to the dentist and give us peace of mind when we feel overwhelmed.

    Remember that God is always with us, so never hesitate to turn our worries over to Him in prayer and ask for His guidance on our journey. May He fill your heart with love, grace, wisdom, understanding, courage and hope as you strive toward a healthier life free from dental anxiety!