Life is not always rainbows and butterflies. There are moments when we inevitably encounter unsolvable situations. Saying a prayer for impossible causes can be an invaluable source of peace, courage, and strength.

When you feel hopeless, you may turn to God and pray. Prayer always comes with power. Whether you are facing financial, academic, personal, or any kind of hardship, you can talk to God and seek his comfort.

The good news is that God hears all prayers – even those for impossible causes. He keeps sight of our heart’s desires and He was promised to grant them in His perfect timing. Praying for things that may appear impossible is still worthwhile.

Apart from connecting with God, you may also seek the divine guidance of St. Rita, the Patron Saint of impossible causes, by saying these prayers we have written for you. Let these prayers ease your worries and give you the peace you need.

Prayers for Impossible Causes
Prayers for Impossible Causes

A Special Prayer to St. Rita For An Impossible Cause

Dear St. Rita,

I pray before you, the Patron Saint of impossible causes, as I seek a miracle in my life. I ask that you instill faith in my soul so that I may continue what I have started. Bestow upon me the discernment to make the right choices.

Give me the courage to face each challenge that comes my way and the strength to keep believing in God’s goodness, despite all the hardships. Help me to trust that He will answer me in His perfect way and timing.

I am fully relying on you as I believe that you can help me overcome this challenge and bring forth something positive from my current struggle. Amen.

10 Prayers for Impossible Causes (When All Hope Seems Lost)

Prayer #1

Dear Lord, I come to before You desperately needing hope for what appears to be an unsolvable situation. As I face this challenge in my life, grant me the strength I need to persist no matter what the outcome is. Fill my heart with faith and courage. Guide me and never leave my side. I believe that with You, all things are possible. Amen.

Prayer #2

Heavenly Father, I come to You in need of a miracle for what seems like an unwinnable battle. I am feeling hopeless and desperate so I pray that You Give me the strength to endure this difficult trial and the faith to keep trusting in Your goodness, despite all of the hardships I may face. Amen.

Prayer #3

Dear God, I come before You in prayer for a seemingly impossible situation in my life. Grant me clarity of mind so that I may come up with a solution to the problem I am currently facing. Bestow upon me the perseverance to keep fighting even when things look dismal and fill my heart with hope that nothing is ever beyond Your power. May I be assured that You will answer my prayers in Your own perfect way and timing, bringing peace to my heart. Amen.

Prayer #4

Lord of Heaven, I come to You in need of a miracle for what appears to be an impossible cause. Grant me wisdom, courage, and strength to face this trial with faith that You will hear all my prayers and answer them in Your perfect time and way. Amen.

Prayer #5

Almighty God, I know that with You all things are possible and so I come to You in desperate need of a miracle for what seems like an impossible situation. Please grant me the courage and strength to keep fighting, even when the odds seem against me. Help me to trust in Your goodness and find hope in knowing that You will answer my prayers in Your own perfect way and timing. Amen.

Prayer #6

Dear Lord, I come to You with an anxious mind and tired heart. I am in need of hope for what appears to be a lost cause. Please grant me a strong will to give a good fight and the courage to keep fighting. Instill in me indestructible faith to keep trusting in Your goodness and knowing that You will answer all my prayers in Your perfect way and timing. Amen.

Prayer #7

Almighty Father, I pray before You today to surrender everything I have. My exhausted mind and body need all the strength from You, O Lord, to keep fighting this seemingly unwinnable battle. Please fill my heart with faith that nothing is ever beyond Your power, even in the face of what seems to be an impossible situation. May I be comforted by the knowledge that You will always respond to me with Your perfect timing. Amen.

Prayer #8

Lord, I come before You in prayer for a seemingly impossible cause in my life. Please fill my heart with courage and strength to persist through this difficult trial and grant me the faith to keep trusting in Your goodness, despite all of the hardships I may face. Amen.

Prayer #9

Dear God, I know that with You nothing is impossible and so I come to You in need of a miracle for what appears to be an impossible situation. Please give me the perseverance to endure this trial and fill me with the hope that You will answer all of my prayers in Your perfect way and timing. Amen.

Prayer #10

Almighty Father, I pray before You seeking a miracle for this impossible situation I am currently facing. Renew my faith in You in this time of distress and allow me to regain my strength to surpass all these challenges. Grant me a strong mind, heart, and soul to get through these hardships. May I trust in Your goodness and find peace in knowing that You will always answer all of my prayers in Your perfect way and timing. Amen.

What the Bible Says About Praying For Impossible Causes

The Bible is full of stories about the power of prayer and how it can bring about miracles, even when faced with difficult and seemingly impossible situations.

In the Book of Matthew, for example, Jesus taught His followers to pray for “all things”: “I tell you this, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” (Matthew 21:22).

He also said that nothing is too difficult for God and that we should never give up, no matter how hard something may seem: “Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible’” (Matthew 19:26).

Through a prayer for impossible causes, we can trust in the Lord’s promise that He will help us through difficult times if we just remain faithful to Him.

So no matter how impossible your situation may seem, never give up hope, and keep praying for a miracle! The Lord hears all of our prayers and He knows what is best for us. Keep trusting in His goodness and believing that He will answer your prayers in His perfect way and timing.