Welcome to a heartfelt collection of prayers dedicated to our unsaved husbands. When the person we hold dear to our hearts has yet to find the path of faith, we may feel helpless and yearn for divine intervention.

In this compilation, we come together in unity, seeking solace and guidance through the power of prayer. Each word we utter carries the hope of transformation, as we humbly beseech the heavens to touch the soul of our beloved husbands. Join us on this spiritual journey, as we pour our deepest desires into these prayers for my unsaved husband.

Prayers for My Unsaved Husband
Hopeful Prayers for My Unsaved Husband

Prayers for My Unsaved Husband

#1. Prayer for Divine Intervention

O Lord, I come before You with a heavy heart, seeking Your divine intervention for my unsaved husband. You are the God of miracles, capable of transforming even the hardest of hearts. I pray that Your grace and love would surround him, drawing him closer to You.

Open his eyes to the truth of Your salvation, that he may experience the joy and peace that comes from knowing You. Help him to see the emptiness of the world and find solace in Your everlasting presence. Grant me patience and strength as I continue to lift him up in prayer, trusting that Your perfect timing will prevail. In Your holy name, I pray. Amen.

#2. Prayer for Spiritual Awakening

Heavenly Father, I humbly come to You, seeking a profound spiritual awakening for my beloved husband. Touch his heart and illuminate his path, so that he may find the truth that lies in Your Word. Remove any veils of doubt and confusion, replacing them with a hunger for spiritual growth. Help him to recognize his need for a Savior and to embrace the abundant life that can only be found in You.

Surround him with godly influences and guide him towards a community of believers who will support and encourage his faith journey. I trust in Your unfailing love and power to work miracles in his life. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

#3. Prayer for God’s Unconditional Love

Dear Lord, I pray that my unsaved husband would come to know and experience Your unconditional love. Help him grasp the depth and magnitude of Your grace, which surpasses all understanding. Let him feel Your arms of love embracing him, even in his darkest moments.

Remove any feelings of unworthiness or shame, replacing them with the assurance of Your forgiveness. Show him that Your love is not based on performance but on the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ. May he realize that Your love is constant and unwavering, never dependent on his actions. I trust in Your loving kindness to draw him closer to You. In Your precious name, I pray. Amen.

#4. Prayer for Wisdom and Discernment

Gracious God, I seek Your wisdom and discernment for my unsaved husband. As he navigates the complexities of life, I pray that You would guide him along the right path. Grant him clarity of mind and an understanding heart, that he may discern between truth and deception. May he seek Your counsel above all else and find direction in Your Word.

Protect him from the allure of worldly distractions and fill him with a hunger for spiritual truth. Surround him with godly influences that will impart wisdom and encourage his pursuit of You. I trust in Your guidance and provision for his life. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

#5. Prayer for a Tender Heart

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before You with a plea for my unsaved husband’s heart to become tender towards You. Soften the walls that surround his soul, that he may be receptive to Your gentle whispers. Break through the hardness and indifference, replacing them with a longing for a relationship with You.

Touch him in such a profound way that he cannot deny Your presence and love. Help him to recognize the emptiness in his heart that only You can fill. I trust in Your ability to transform hearts and bring about a spiritual awakening in his life. In Your merciful name, I pray. Amen.

#6. Prayer for Deliverance from Bondage

O Lord, I lift up my unsaved husband before You, knowing that You alone have the power to set him free from the chains that bind him. Whether it be addiction, unhealthy relationships, or destructive habits, I pray for his deliverance. Break every stronghold that hinders him from fully surrendering his life to You.

Give him the strength to overcome temptation and the desire to turn away from the things that keep him captive. Fill his heart with a hunger for righteousness and a yearning for a life of freedom in You. I trust in Your unfailing love and healing power. In Jesus’ mighty name, I pray. Amen.

#7. Prayer for God’s Protection

Heavenly Father, I come to You, seeking Your divine protection over my unsaved husband. Guard him against the schemes of the enemy and shield him from harm. Surround him with Your angels and cover him with Your wings of love. Protect his mind from the lies and deceptions of this world. Preserve his heart from the allure of sin.

Keep him safe from physical dangers and guide his steps along the path of righteousness. May he experience Your protective presence in a tangible way, knowing that You are always watching over him. I trust in Your faithfulness to keep him secure. In Your mighty name, I pray. Amen.

#8. Prayer for God’s Provision

Loving Lord, I bring before You my unsaved husband’s needs, both material and spiritual, knowing that You are the ultimate provider. Supply him with all that he requires for his well-being and sustenance. Help him to recognize that every good and perfect gift comes from Your hand.

Open his eyes to Your abundant provision and bless him according to Your riches in glory. As he experiences Your provision, may he be drawn closer to You and acknowledge Your sovereignty in his life. I trust in Your faithfulness to meet his every need. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

#9. Prayer for Patience and Perseverance

Dear Lord, I pray for an extra measure of patience and perseverance as I wait for my unsaved husband’s heart to turn towards You. Give me the strength to endure the challenges that come with his unbelief. Help me to demonstrate Your love and grace, even in the face of resistance.

Grant me the wisdom to know when to speak and when to be silent, trusting in Your perfect timing for his salvation. Fill me with compassion and understanding, that I may be a reflection of Your love in his life. I rely on Your strength to sustain me throughout this journey. In Your precious name, I pray. Amen.

#10. Prayer for God’s Favor

Heavenly Father, I humbly seek Your favor upon my unsaved husband. May he find favor in the eyes of others and be blessed with opportunities that lead him closer to You. Open doors that no man can shut and orchestrate divine connections in his life. Grant him success in his endeavors and use his accomplishments to bring glory to Your name.

May he experience Your favor in both his personal and professional life, drawing him into a deeper relationship with You. I trust in Your providence and the plans You have for him. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

#11. Prayer for a Transformed Mind

O Lord, I pray for the renewal of my unsaved husband’s mind. Transform his thought patterns and replace negative thinking with the truth of Your Word. Help him to break free from worldly ideologies and embrace the wisdom found in Your teachings. Let his mind be filled with thoughts that are noble, pure, and praiseworthy.

Remove any strongholds that hinder him from fully surrendering to Your truth. May he see the world through the lens of Your love and experience the peace that surpasses all understanding. I trust in Your transformative power to renew his mind. In Your holy name, I pray. Amen.

#12. Prayer for Divine Appointments

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for divine appointments in my unsaved husband’s life. Arrange encounters with believers who will speak Your truth into his heart. Send forth messengers who will share the Gospel with clarity and conviction. Surround him with individuals who embody Your love and reflect Your character.

Give him opportunities to witness Your power and experience Your presence firsthand. Soften his heart and prepare him for the encounters You have orchestrated. I trust in Your divine timing and perfect orchestration of circumstances. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

#13. Prayer for a Spirit of Conviction

Loving God, I pray for a spirit of conviction to rest upon my unsaved husband. Stir his heart and awaken him to the reality of sin and its consequences. Help him to see the need for a Savior and the urgency of turning to You.

Let Your Holy Spirit pierce through the layers of resistance and bring him to a place of surrender. Soften his heart and grant him the humility to acknowledge his need for Your forgiveness. I trust in Your Spirit’s power to convict and draw him into a relationship with You. In Your mercy, hear my prayer. Amen.

#14. Prayer for a Renewed Purpose

Gracious Lord, I lift up my unsaved husband before You, praying for a renewed sense of purpose in his life. Fill his heart with a deep longing to fulfill Your divine plan. Guide him towards his true calling and equip him with the gifts and talents necessary to serve You.

Remove any sense of emptiness or disillusionment, replacing it with a passion to make an impact for Your kingdom. Lead him on a path that brings glory to Your name and blesses those around him. I trust in Your divine guidance and provision. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

#15. Prayer for Unwavering Faith

Dear Lord, I pray for unwavering faith to take root in my unsaved husband’s heart. Strengthen his belief in You and Your promises. Help him to trust in Your goodness, even in the midst of trials.

Increase his faith to move mountains and overcome obstacles. Remove any doubts or skepticism that hinder his acceptance of Your truth. Plant a seed of faith within him that will grow into a mighty oak, firmly rooted in Your Word. I trust in Your faithfulness to nurture his faith and draw him closer to You. In Your mighty name, I pray. Amen.


In the depths of our hearts, we have poured out our prayers for our unsaved husbands, seeking God’s intervention and guidance. These prayers embody our deepest desires for their spiritual awakening and salvation. We have cried out to the Lord, pleading for His love to touch their hearts and draw them closer to Him.

As we patiently wait, we trust in God’s perfect timing and unwavering love. Let us continue to uplift our husbands in prayer, knowing that through our fervent supplications, God is working in their lives. May our prayers for our unsaved husbands be a testament to our unwavering faith and the power of prayer in transforming lives.