We’ve all been a victim of theft at one point or another. Whether it’s something small like an item stolen from our locker, or something more severe like identity theft, the feeling of betrayal and anger is always there.

But instead of seeking revenge on the person who wronged you, why not try praying for them? A prayer for someone who stole from you can be a powerful way to forgive and heal our own hearts in the process.

In this article, we will explore how prayer can help us cope with feelings of hurt after being stolen from by someone close to us. We’ll look at what saying a prayer for them entails, and offer some examples that may help you find peace in your heart after experiencing such injustice.

Prayer for Someone Who Stole From You
Prayer for Someone Who Stole From You

Prayers For Someone Who Stole From You

In this list of devotions, you may pick one prayer for someone who stole from you:

Prayer #1 – Prayer for someone close to you who has stolen from you

Dear Lord,

I come before you with a heavy heart. Someone close to me has stolen from me and I feel betrayed. I am hurt and angry by the injustice of it all, yet I turn to Your infinite wisdom for guidance in this difficult time.

Grant me the strength to forgive, Lord, and help me understand why this happened. If it’s within Your will, please show mercy to the person who wronged me and grant them a chance at redemption.

Remind me that no matter what, You are always there for me in my time of need and pain. I pray for comfort and peace as I come through this difficult time. Amen.

Prayer #2 – Prayer for someone you trusted who has stolen from you

Heavenly Father,

I seek Your guidance and understanding in this difficult moment. Someone I trusted has stolen from me and it feels like my heart is breaking into a million pieces. But even though I feel angry and hurt, I turn to You for help.

Help me to forgive the person who wronged me, and give me the strength to be merciful and understanding. Please grant them the chance to repent and find redemption. Remind me that You see all the injustice of this world, and You will always make things right in the end.

Grant me peace and comfort as I go through this difficult process. Thank you for being with me during this trying time. Amen.

Prayer #3 – Prayer for someone who has stolen your identity

Almighty God,

I come before you today feeling hurt and betrayed. Someone has stolen my identity and with it, taken away some of my hard-earned security. My heart aches for the injustice done to me, and I know that this is a trying time. Please be with me as I deal with the consequences of this theft.

But Lord, I also ask that you be with the person who stole from me. Show them compassion and mercy despite their wrongdoing. Help them to realize the error of their ways, so they may turn away from what they’ve done and seek a better path forward.

I pray that you would lead me to forgive them and extend grace, even though I may not understand why this happened. Guide me on the path of justice, so that all parties can receive a fair outcome.

Thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayer and providing me with the strength to forgive. I know that You are in control, and I trust in You. Amen.

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    Prayer #4 – Prayer for a family member who has stolen from you

    Dear Lord,

    I come to you today in need of help and understanding. One of my family members, whom someone I love, has stolen from me and I am struggling to make sense of it all. I know that this person is not in a good place and may be acting out of desperation or other feelings. But the pain is still there, a reminder of the hurt and betrayal.

    I ask that You would forgive this person of their wrongdoing and bring peace and healing to our relationship. I also pray for Your guidance in how best to navigate this situation. Please help me to show grace, mercy, and compassion towards them despite my pain.

    Lord, provide a way for this person to receive help and counseling so they can heal. Give me the strength to forgive them and find a way to reconcile our relationship. I place my trust in You, knowing that You are the ultimate judge, and asking You to bring justice in all circumstances.

    Thank You for hearing my prayer, Amen.

    Prayer #5 – Prayer for a scammer

    Almighty Father,

    I come to You today in a state of confusion and anger. Someone has stolen from me through deceitful means – a scammer who sought only to enrich themselves at my expense. It saddens me that such injustice is allowed to exist in this world, and I feel helpless to stop it.

    But I know that You are greater than any scammer, and You are the source of true justice. Please bring conviction to their hearts and remind them of their wrongdoing. Help them to realize the error of their ways and turn away from such practices.

    Grant me peace as I process this difficult situation. Help me to forgive those who have wronged me, and give me the strength to continue trusting in You. Thank you for hearing this prayer and being with me through it all. Amen.

    Prayer #5 – Prayer for an unknown thief

    Dear Lord,

    I come to you today feeling hurt and violated. Someone has stolen from me without my knowledge or permission, leaving me feeling helpless and vulnerable. I know that this person may not even realize the magnitude of their actions, but the pain and anger remain.

    Help them to understand the violation they have committed, and give them the courage to face the consequences of their actions. Remind them that it is possible to heal and move forward, despite mistakes made in the past.

    Thank you for listening to my prayer and being with me every step of the way. Amen.

    Prayer #6 – Prayer for a friend who has stolen from you

    Heavenly Father,

    I come before you today in humble supplication, asking for your guidance and mercy for my friend who has wronged me. I know that stealing is a grievous sin and that it violates the laws of morality that you have established.

    In my heart, I harbor no ill will or anger towards my friend. Rather, I pray that he would come to understand the gravity of his actions and repent before You.

    I ask that you would use this experience as a wake-up call for him and lead him to live a life of righteousness and integrity. I also pray that you would bring swift justice and restoration to my life in the wake of this theft. May I ultimately experience a renewed sense of peace and well-being that comes from trusting in You.

    Most importantly, Lord, I ask that You would pour out Your infinite grace and love onto my friend who wronged me. Help him to see his sin and accept responsibility for it. Help him to forgive himself and seek forgiveness from me, too. I pray that through this experience, my friend would be able to turn away from his sin and find new hope in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Prayer #7 – Prayer for someone who has stolen your partner

    Dear Lord,

    I come to you today feeling betrayed and heartbroken. Someone who I had trusted and loved has stolen my partner away from me in a way that shows no regard for our relationship. It feels like my world is crumbling around me and I am overwhelmed with emotions.

    I pray for this person who has wronged me. Please show them a greater understanding of the pain they have caused and grant them the courage to repent for their actions. Help them to turn away from such behavior in the future and use this experience as an opportunity for growth.

    Lord, please guide me toward peace during this difficult time. Help me to find the strength to forgive those who have wronged me and to have the courage to keep trusting in You. Thank you for hearing my prayer and for being with me through this challenging moment. Amen.

    Prayer #8 – Prayer for someone who has stolen something of great value

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    I come before You today feeling hurt and betrayed. Someone has stolen a treasured possession of mine that holds great sentimental value, and it has left me reeling with emotions.

    I pray for this person who has wronged me. Please show them mercy and forgiveness as they repent for their actions, and remind them that it is possible to turn away from such practices. Help them to understand the weight of their actions and come to accept responsibility for it.

    Most importantly, Lord, I ask that You would help me find peace during this trying time. Grant me the strength to forgive those who have wronged me and give me the courage to continue trusting in You. Thank you for hearing my prayer and being with me through this difficult time. Amen.

    Prayer #9 – Prayer for someone who has stolen from you multiple times

    Lord God Almighty,

    I come to You today in search of Your grace and mercy. Someone whom I trusted and loved has wronged me multiple times by stealing from me, leaving me feeling betrayed and hurt.

    I pray that You would show this person mercy and help them to understand the weight of their actions. Please open their eyes to the gravity of stealing and give them a heart that is willing to repent for what they have done.

    Most importantly, Lord, I ask You would bring peace into my life as I grapple with this betrayal. Please give me the power to forgive the people who have hurt me and help me to trust in You moving forward. Thank you for hearing my prayer and being with me through this difficult time. Amen.

    Prayer #10 – Prayer for someone who has stolen from a group of people

    Dear God,

    I come before You today on behalf of a group of people who have been wronged. Someone has stolen from us, leaving us feeling hurt and betrayed.

    I pray for this person who has wronged us, that You would show them mercy and help them to understand the weight of their actions. Please open their eyes to the gravity of stealing and give them a heart that is willing to repent for what they have done.

    Most importantly, Lord, I ask that You would bring peace back into our lives. Please help us find the strength to forgive those who have harmed us, and give us the bravery to keep trusting in You. Thank you for hearing my prayer and being with us through this difficult time. Amen.

    What does the Bible say about someone stealing for you

    The Bible has a lot to say about someone stealing from you. The Eighth Commandment in the Ten Commandments, which is found in Exodus 20:15 states “You shall not steal.” This commandment emphasizes how seriously God takes the act of stealing and highlights how it goes against His laws. Deuteronomy 5:19 also states that “You shall not steal.”

    In addition to these two direct verses, the Bible is filled with passages that emphasize God’s teaching of integrity and honesty. Proverbs 12:22 reads, “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are His delight,” while Ephesians 4:28 says, “Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands…”

    The Bible makes it clear that stealing is not something that God condones and instead encourages us to lead lives of godly integrity. If someone has stolen from you, turn to God and His Word for comfort and guidance on how to proceed. He is the ultimate source of justice, so you may say a prayer for someone who stole from you as you seek justice and resolution.

    Closing Thoughts

    A prayer for someone who stole from you could include asking God for forgiveness on behalf of the thief, asking for strength to forgive those who have wronged you, and asking for peace during this difficult time. It can also give you the comfort and guidance you needed to move forward in life with strength and courage.

    Ultimately, no matter how wrong someone has done us, it is important to remember that we are all human and capable of making mistakes. We must strive to show compassion and understanding towards those who have stolen from us to facilitate healing for ourselves as well as the offender.

    Through prayer and God’s Word, we can find solace during this difficult time while also forgiving those who have harmed us so that we may move forward with strength and courage. Let us not forget that despite our differences or grievances, at the end of the day, we are all part of one family under God’s loving care.