In the depths of our hearts, we carry precious relationships that shape our lives in profound ways. For those who have an unsaved boyfriend, the yearning for spiritual connection and growth can be both intense and overwhelming. It’s in moments like these that we seek solace and guidance from a higher power.

In this collection of prayers, we embark on a spiritual journey, imploring the heavens for enlightenment, transformation, and salvation for our beloved partners. Join us as we explore the power of prayer and discover how it can touch the very soul of our unsaved boyfriends, leading them towards a path of divine grace and everlasting love.

Prayers for my Unsaved Boyfriend
Prayers for my Unsaved Boyfriend

Prayers for an Unsaved Boyfriend

1. A Prayer for Divine Revelation

Dear Lord, I humbly come before You, seeking Your divine intervention in the life of my unsaved boyfriend. I pray that You open his heart and mind to the truth of Your love and the salvation offered through Jesus Christ. Remove any barriers that hinder him from recognizing Your presence.

Let the light of Your truth shine upon him, dispelling all doubts and confusion. Grant him the revelation he needs to understand the depth of Your grace and the purpose You have for his life. In Your boundless mercy, draw him closer to You, that he may experience the joy of a transformed heart. Amen.

2. A Prayer for Unyielding Faith

Heavenly Father, I lift up my unsaved boyfriend to You, knowing that nothing is impossible for You. Strengthen his faith, dear Lord, that it may stand unshaken amidst life’s trials and temptations. Remove the veil of doubt that obscures his vision of You, and instill in him a steadfast trust in Your power and love.

Grant him the courage to embrace the truth, even when it seems elusive. Surround him with Your unwavering presence, guiding him towards a profound encounter with Your saving grace. May his faith be a beacon of hope, drawing others to witness the transformative power of Your divine love. Amen.

3. A Prayer for Conviction and Repentance

O God of Mercy, I approach You with a heavy heart, interceding for my unsaved boyfriend’s salvation. Lord, I pray that You pierce through his soul with a deep sense of conviction, revealing the need for repentance and the forgiveness found in You alone. Help him recognize the emptiness of worldly pursuits and turn his gaze towards the eternal.

Soften his heart, that he may feel the weight of his sins and yearn for reconciliation with You. Grant him the strength to acknowledge his wrongs and the grace to seek forgiveness through the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ. May repentance lead him to experience the joy of salvation. Amen.

4. A Prayer for God’s Unconditional Love

Dear Heavenly Father, Your love knows no bounds, and it extends to all who seek You. I come before You today, praying for my unsaved boyfriend to encounter the depths of Your boundless love. Touch his heart with the realization that Your love is not based on his merits or accomplishments, but on Your infinite grace and mercy.

Let him experience the transformative power of Your love, which can heal wounds, restore brokenness, and bring purpose to his life. May he be overwhelmed by Your unconditional love, and in turn, be compelled to seek a personal relationship with You, the source of all love. Amen.

5. A Prayer for Divine Guidance

Gracious God, You are the source of all wisdom and understanding. I come before You, seeking Your divine guidance for my unsaved boyfriend. Illuminate his path and lead him in the way he should go. Remove any distractions or false teachings that may hinder his spiritual growth.

Grant him clarity of mind and discernment to make decisions that align with Your will. Surround him with wise counsel and godly influences that will guide him towards salvation. May Your Holy Spirit be his constant companion, providing direction and conviction. As he seeks Your guidance, may he find true purpose and fulfillment in a personal relationship with You. Amen.

6. A Prayer for the Power of God’s Word

Heavenly Father, Your Word is living and powerful, capable of transforming lives and hearts. I pray that You speak to my unsaved boyfriend through the pages of Scripture. Open his eyes to the truth and relevance of Your Word. Let the words of the Bible penetrate his soul, stirring a hunger for spiritual knowledge and understanding.

May the Scriptures come alive in his heart, revealing the depth of Your love, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and the promise of eternal life. Grant him the desire to study Your Word diligently, that it may become a lamp unto his feet and a light unto his path. Amen.

7. A Prayer for God’s Pursuit of His Heart

Loving Lord, You are a God who pursues the lost with relentless love and compassion. I pray that You pursue my unsaved boyfriend, drawing him closer to You. Show him the depth of Your love, even in moments of doubt and resistance. Plant seeds of curiosity and longing within his heart, awakening a desire to seek You.

Surround him with divine appointments and encounters that reveal Your presence and goodness. Soften his heart to recognize Your pursuit and respond to Your loving call. May he surrender to Your embrace, experiencing the joy and peace that come from knowing You as his Savior. Amen.

8. A Prayer for God’s Grace and Mercy

Merciful Father, Your grace and mercy are boundless, reaching out to all who come to You. I lift up my unsaved boyfriend to Your compassionate heart. Pour out Your grace upon him, showering him with undeserved favor and forgiveness. Help him understand that Your mercy knows no limits, and Your arms are always open wide to receive those who repent and believe.

As he encounters Your grace, may he be moved to let go of guilt and shame, finding freedom in the love and acceptance You offer. May Your grace awaken in him a desire to turn to You and experience the transformative power of Your salvation. Amen.

9. A Prayer for God’s Protection and Strength

Mighty God, I seek Your protection and strength for my unsaved boyfriend as he navigates a world full of challenges and temptations. Shield him from the schemes of the enemy and guard his heart from worldly influences that may lead him astray.

Empower him with the strength to resist temptation and stand firm in his faith. Surround him with a hedge of divine protection, both physically and spiritually. Give him the courage to walk in righteousness, even when it goes against the tide of popular culture. May Your presence be his refuge and fortress, guiding him safely towards the path of salvation. Amen.

10. A Prayer for God’s Healing Touch

Compassionate Healer, I lift up my unsaved boyfriend to Your loving care, knowing that You are the ultimate source of healing and restoration. Heal the wounds of his past, whether they are emotional, spiritual, or physical. Mend broken relationships, reconcile hearts, and bring wholeness to every area of his life. Remove any barriers that hinder him from receiving Your love and salvation.

Touch his heart with Your healing hand, and in the process, reveal the depth of Your compassion and grace. May he experience Your transformative power as he encounters Your healing touch. In Your mercy, bring him to a place of complete restoration and salvation. Amen.

11. A Prayer for Patience and Trust

Faithful God, I surrender my unsaved boyfriend into Your hands, recognizing that Your timing is perfect. Grant me patience as I wait for his spiritual awakening and salvation. Help me trust in Your sovereignty and divine plan for his life. Strengthen my faith and keep my hope unwavering, knowing that You are working behind the scenes, orchestrating circumstances for his ultimate good.

Give me the wisdom to support and encourage him in his spiritual journey without pushing or forcing. May I be a living testament of Your love and grace, reflecting Your light in all my interactions. May Your perfect timing be evident as he comes to know You deeply and personally. Amen.

12. A Prayer for the Power of Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit, I invite Your presence and power to work in the life of my unsaved boyfriend. Fill him with Your Holy Spirit, empowering him to live a life that is pleasing to You. Unleash Your gifts and spiritual fruit in his life, transforming him from the inside out. Give him a hunger and thirst for righteousness, and a passion to pursue a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Guide him in understanding the truth of the Gospel and lead him to experience the conviction and assurance that only Your Spirit can provide. May he yield to Your gentle prompting and be filled with the power and love of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

13. A Prayer for God’s Unfailing Love

Everlasting God, Your love is steadfast and unwavering, reaching out to those who are lost and searching. I pray that my unsaved boyfriend would experience the depth of Your unending love. Remove any misconceptions or doubts that hinder him from embracing Your love fully. Let him know that Your love is not based on performance or worthiness but on Your unchanging character.

May he encounter the reality of Your love, which transcends human understanding and transforms lives. As he experiences the overwhelming power of Your love, may he be drawn to seek You earnestly, knowing that in You, he will find true love and eternal life. Amen.

14. A Prayer for Divine Intervention

Omnipotent God, I cry out to You, knowing that nothing is impossible for You. I ask for Your divine intervention in the life of my unsaved boyfriend. Break through the walls that separate him from Your truth and love. Touch his heart in a supernatural way, awakening a hunger and thirst for righteousness.

Show him the futility of the world’s promises and lead him to the everlasting hope found in Jesus Christ. Work miracles in his life that defy human understanding, drawing him closer to You. May Your divine intervention be evident, not only in his salvation but in every aspect of his journey towards knowing You intimately. Amen.

15. A Prayer for God’s Sovereign Plan

Heavenly Father, I surrender the salvation of my unsaved boyfriend into Your sovereign hands. You are the author and finisher of our faith, and I trust Your divine plan for his life. Help me relinquish my desires and expectations, submitting to Your perfect will and timing. Grant me peace in knowing that You love him more than I ever could and that You are actively working in his life.

Give me the strength to continue praying, believing that You are faithful to fulfill Your promises. May Your sovereign plan unfold, bringing him into a deep and personal relationship with You. In Your wisdom and love, may he experience the joy of salvation and the abundant life found in Christ Jesus. Amen.


In the depths of our hearts, we carry a profound desire for the salvation of our unsaved loved ones. Through our collection of prayers for my unsaved boyfriend, we have embarked on a spiritual journey, seeking divine intervention and guidance. These heartfelt petitions have been offered with the hope that God’s transformative power will touch the soul of our beloved partners.

As we fervently intercede for their salvation, we trust in the sovereignty of God’s plan and the unfailing love He has for each individual. May these prayers serve as a reminder of our unwavering faith and unwavering hope, as we continue to lift up our unsaved boyfriends in prayer, trusting that God hears and answers according to His perfect will.