Life can often be a journey filled with challenges, uncertainties, and moments of distress. In these times, turning to our faith and seeking solace in prayer can bring us an overwhelming sense of peace. In this collection of heartfelt prayers, we invite you to join us in finding serenity through the act of surrendering to the divine.
Each prayer to turn things over to God is a unique and intimate conversation with our Heavenly Father, guiding us to release our worries, fears, and anxieties into His loving hands. As we navigate the ups and downs of life, let us embark on this spiritual journey together, finding the tranquility that comes from turning things over to God.
25 Prayers to Turn Things Over to God And Find Peace
#1. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Trust His Plan
Dear God,
In moments of uncertainty and doubt, I come before you seeking the strength to trust in Your divine plan for my life. Help me release my grip on control, and in doing so, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. I find comfort in knowing that Your wisdom far surpasses my understanding. Bestow upon me the patience to wait for Your perfect timing, and the unwavering faith to believe that Your path is the one that leads to enduring peace. Thank you for guiding me through life’s winding journey, and I humbly surrender my worries and doubts into Your loving and capable hands.
#2. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Release Anxiety
Dear Lord,
Anxiety grips my heart, and I feel overwhelmed by life’s relentless challenges. In this moment of vulnerability, I turn to You, Heavenly Father, with a heavy heart, asking for Your peace to wash over me like a soothing balm. Help me release the burdens that weigh me down, and replace them with Your calming presence, a presence that transcends all understanding. I trust that You hold all things in Your capable hands, and in this trust, I find solace. Thank You for the reassuring embrace of Your love and protection.
#3. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Seek Serenity
Dear God,
In the cacophony of life’s demands and distractions, I yearn for serenity. I come to You, my refuge, seeking the tranquility that only Your presence can provide. Grant me the ability to find peace amidst the storms that rage around me, to remain calm in the face of adversity, and to trust in Your unwavering love, which is my steadfast anchor. I willingly surrender my fears and anxieties to You, for I know that You are my source of strength, my wellspring of peace.
Related Prayers: 15 Devotional Prayers for Giving Yourself to God
#4. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Find Inner Peace
Dear Lord,
The turbulence within my soul seeks solace in Your loving embrace. I long for inner peace, and I turn to You, the Prince of Peace, with a heart open to Your gentle guidance. Help me let go of the turmoil that has clouded my spirit and find serenity in Your abiding presence. Fill my heart with the assurance that Your peace surpasses all understanding, guarding my mind and heart in Christ Jesus, so that I may navigate life’s challenges with a tranquil spirit.
#5. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Surrender Control
Dear Heavenly Father,
I acknowledge my need to relinquish control and surrender my life completely into Your sovereign hands. I confess that my attempts to steer my own course have left me weary and anxious. Today, I surrender not only my desires and plans but also my worries, doubts, and insecurities to You, trusting that Your sovereign will is far greater than my own limited perspective. Grant me the grace to let go, and in doing so, find profound peace in Your divine guidance, knowing that Your purpose for my life is filled with love, purpose, and boundless possibilities.
#6. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Seek Forgiveness
Dear Heavenly Father,
I recognize the times I’ve fallen short and have hurt others with my words or actions. In this moment of humility, I turn to You, the ultimate source of forgiveness and reconciliation. Help me release my pride and ego, and grant me the courage to seek forgiveness from those I’ve wronged. May Your love and grace flow through me, bringing healing and restoration to broken relationships. I trust in Your ability to mend what is broken and bring peace to the hearts of all involved. I surrender my need to be right and choose the path of reconciliation, knowing that Your forgiveness is the foundation of true peace.
Related Prayers: 15 Sincere Prayers to Get Closer to God
#7. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Embrace Tranquility
Dear Lord,
In the midst of life’s bustling chaos, I yearn for tranquility that can only be found in You. I come before You, my sanctuary, seeking the calmness that radiates from Your presence. Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Help me find peace amidst the turmoil, to remain centered when challenges arise, and to trust in Your unchanging love. I willingly surrender my anxieties to You, knowing that in You, I discover the source of true peace.
#8. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Discover Contentment
Dear God,
In a world that often measures success by external standards, I find myself seeking contentment within the depths of my soul. I turn to You, my provider, acknowledging that true contentment is a gift from Your loving hand. Help me release the relentless pursuit of material gain and discover the joy that comes from a heart at peace. Grant me the grace to be grateful for the blessings I have and to trust that Your plan for my life is filled with purpose and abundance. I willingly surrender my insatiable desires to You, knowing that in Your presence, I find lasting contentment.
#9. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Let His Peace Reign
Dear Heavenly Father,
In moments of strife and conflict, I long for Your peace to reign in my heart and in the world around me. I turn to You, the Prince of Peace, seeking Your divine intervention. Help me release my need to control and manipulate circumstances, and instead, let me be an instrument of Your peace. Grant me the courage to love when faced with hatred, to forgive when wronged, and to be a beacon of Your light in a world often shrouded in darkness. I surrender my fears and insecurities to You, knowing that Your peace is the answer to the chaos of our times.
Related Prayers: 15 Faithful Prayers of Confidence in God
#10. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Find Rest
Dear Lord,
The weariness of life’s demands often leaves me exhausted and in need of rest. I come to You, my Shepherd, seeking the rest that only Your presence can provide. Help me release the burdens that weigh me down and grant me the peaceful reprieve that my soul craves. As I lay my worries at Your feet, I trust that You will restore my weary spirit and lead me beside still waters. Thank You for being my refuge and the source of my restful peace.
#11. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Release Worry
Dear God,
Worry, like a relentless storm, clouds my thoughts and hinders my joy. In this moment of vulnerability, I turn to You, the anchor of my soul, seeking the strength to release worry’s grip on my heart. Help me let go of the burdens that consume me, and replace them with Your comforting presence. I trust that You hold the future in Your capable hands, and in this trust, I find solace. Thank You for the reassuring embrace of Your love and protection.
#12. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Experience Calm
Dear Lord,
In a world filled with chaos and noise, I yearn for the calmness that can only be found in Your presence. I come before You, my shelter, seeking the tranquility that comes from knowing You are in control. Grant me the ability to find peace amidst the storms that rage around me, to remain calm in the face of adversity, and to trust in Your unwavering love, which is my steadfast anchor. I willingly surrender my anxieties to You, for I know that You are my source of strength, my wellspring of peace.
Related Prayers: 15 Humble Prayers to Surrender Problems to God
#13. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Seek His Guidance
Dear God,
In moments of indecision and confusion, I seek Your guidance and wisdom to light my path. I turn to You, my divine counselor, with a humble heart, asking for Your discernment. Help me release my need for control and trust in Your guiding hand. Grant me clarity of thought and purpose as I navigate the choices before me. Thank You for the assurance of Your unwavering presence and the guidance that comes from surrendering to Your divine will.
#14. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Find Harmony
Dear Lord,
In a world often marked by discord and division, I seek Your help in finding harmony within myself and in my relationships with others. I turn to You, the author of peace, with a heart open to reconciliation and unity. Help me release my own pride and ego, and grant me the humility to seek peace in all circumstances. May Your love and grace flow through me, bringing harmony and understanding where there is conflict. I surrender my need to be right and instead choose the path of peace, knowing that Your presence is the source of true harmony.
#15. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Accept His Will
Dear Heavenly Father,
I acknowledge my limitations and my need to accept Your will as the ultimate plan for my life. I confess that my own desires have sometimes led me astray. Today, I surrender my own plans and ambitions to You, trusting that Your sovereign will is far greater than my own limited perspective. Grant me the grace to let go of my own agenda and find profound peace in Your divine guidance, knowing that Your purpose for my life is filled with love, purpose, and boundless possibilities.
Related Prayers: 25 Prayers for Purpose and Alignment to God’s Will
#16. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Trust His Timing
Dear God,
In moments of impatience and restlessness, I come before You, seeking the strength to trust in Your perfect timing. Help me release my desire for immediate results and find comfort in knowing that Your wisdom far surpasses my understanding. Grant me the patience to wait for Your divine plan to unfold and the faith to believe that Your timing is always impeccable. Thank you for guiding me, and I willingly surrender my anxieties to You, knowing that Your timing is an expression of Your love.
#17. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Be Still
Dear Lord,
Amidst the chaos and busyness of life, I yearn for the ability to be still and know that You are God. I come to You, my refuge, seeking the stillness that can only be found in Your presence. Grant me the serenity to quiet my restless thoughts, to find solace in Your peace, and to trust in Your unfailing love. In the stillness, I discover the depth of Your wisdom and the assurance of Your presence. I willingly surrender my anxieties to You, knowing that in the stillness, I encounter Your divine grace.
#18. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Let His Love Prevail
Dear Heavenly Father,
In a world often marked by hatred and division, I turn to You, the source of unconditional love, seeking Your guidance. Help me release my own judgments and prejudices and replace them with Your boundless love for all. Grant me the ability to love my neighbor as myself, to forgive those who have wronged me, and to extend grace to those in need. May Your love prevail in my heart and in the world around me, bringing healing and reconciliation where there is brokenness. I surrender my own biases to You, knowing that Your love is the answer to the world’s deepest wounds.
#19. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Find Strength
Dear God,
In moments of weakness and fatigue, I seek Your strength to carry me through life’s challenges. I turn to You, my fortress, with a heart open to Your empowering presence. Help me release the burdens that weigh me down and grant me the strength to persevere. I trust that Your power is made perfect in my weakness, and in this trust, I find solace. Thank You for being my source of strength and endurance, and I willingly surrender my weariness to You.
#20. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Experience Grace
Dear Lord,
In times when I fall short and am in need of forgiveness, I come before You seeking Your grace. I acknowledge my imperfections and the mistakes I’ve made. Help me release my guilt and shame, and grant me the assurance of Your unfailing forgiveness and mercy. May Your grace wash over me, renewing my spirit and enabling me to extend grace to others as well. I trust in Your grace to transform my life and bring me peace. I surrender my shortcomings to You, knowing that Your grace is sufficient for me.
#21. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Let Go of Fear
Dear God,
Fear often grips my heart, casting shadows on my path and clouding my judgment. In this moment of vulnerability, I turn to You, my steadfast rock, seeking the strength to let go of fear’s paralyzing grip. Help me release the shackles that bind me, and in their place, grant me the courage that can only come from Your reassuring presence. I trust that Your love is my shelter from life’s storms, and I find solace in the knowledge that You are with me, guiding me through the darkest of nights. Thank You for the gift of your unwavering love and the peace that accompanies it.
#22. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Release Resentment
Dear God,
I acknowledge the bitterness and resentment that has taken root in my heart due to past hurts. I turn to You, the healer of wounds, seeking Your help in letting go of these toxic emotions. Help me release the grudges I’ve held onto and replace them with Your love and forgiveness. Grant me the strength to forgive those who have wronged me, just as You have forgiven me. May Your peace and love reign in my heart, cleansing me from the poison of resentment. I willingly surrender my bitterness to You, knowing that Your love is greater than any hurt I’ve endured.
#23. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Find Healing
Dear Lord,
I come before You with a heart burdened by physical, emotional, or spiritual pain, seeking Your healing touch. You are the great physician, and I trust in Your ability to bring wholeness to every aspect of my being. Help me release the suffering I carry and grant me the assurance of Your healing grace. May Your restorative power flow through me, renewing my strength and bringing comfort to my soul. I trust in Your plan for my healing, and I willingly surrender my pain to You.
#24. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Let Go of Regret
Dear Heavenly Father,
Regret often haunts my thoughts, burdening me with the weight of past mistakes and missed opportunities. I turn to You, the Redeemer of all things, seeking Your guidance in letting go of regret. Help me release the past and embrace the present with hope and gratitude. Grant me the wisdom to learn from my mistakes and the courage to move forward with a heart full of faith. I trust in Your ability to redeem my past and create a future filled with purpose and joy. I willingly surrender my regrets to You, knowing that Your love is greater than any shortcomings I may have.
#25. A Prayer to Turn Things Over to God and Find Ultimate Peace
Dear God,
In the quest for lasting peace, I come before You, the source of ultimate peace, with a heart open to Your divine presence. Help me release the burdens that have weighed me down and grant me the serenity that comes from knowing You. May Your peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. I trust in Your promise of an eternal and unshakable peace that transcends the trials of this world. I willingly surrender all my cares and worries to You, knowing that in Your peace, I find the ultimate rest for my soul.
Closing Thoughts
As we conclude this journey of turning things over to God and finding peace through prayer, may you carry these heartfelt conversations with the Divine in your heart. These prayers are your refuge in moments of uncertainty, your source of strength in times of weakness, and your pathway to the profound peace that only God can provide.
Remember that through surrender, trust, and the acknowledgment of God’s love, you can find serenity amidst life’s storms. May you always seek solace in these prayers, finding the peace that surpasses understanding, and may your faith continue to grow as you walk this spiritual path.